Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Top Ten

I received a message from Dean Lines this morning telling me that Invisible Bullets had been rated one of the top ten films on the Virgin Media Shorts website! 

Obviously this is fantastic news for everyone involved, so if you took the time to vote for us then thank you!

Virgin Media Shorts will be announcing their longlist soon, so if you haven't done so already please do take a moment to watch and vote for the finished film here, your support really will make a difference. Lets see if we can get Invisible Bullets to the top of the charts!

Today I uploaded a rough cut of the film, to both YouTube and Vimeo. This is the rough cut that was edited and screened at Filmonik on the same day as the shoot. 

I hadn't watched the rough cut since the screening took place. All I can say is that it's incredible the difference two weeks of post production makes! Go on, compare the two... and of course, don't forget to vote!

Monday, 12 July 2010

No Logo

In Invisible Bullets we used four branded items, a can of Red Bull, a bottle of Highland Spring, a can of Diet Coke and a bottle of Stella Artois

Since our entry could one day be screened at the cinema all entries to the Virgin Media Shorts competition must conform to The Ofcom Broadcasting Code, which in short means that our film should contain no commercial references or give a particular company undue prominence.

Due to the tight schedule I didn’t have time to obtain clearances for these items prior to the shoot and so in the version on the Virgin Media Shorts website all visible logos have had to be blurred out. 

Whilst this doesn’t really have a big impact on the enjoyment of the film I would ideally like to obtain these rights so that we can remove the blur.

I’ve never had to clear any rights before and thought it would take a while to sort out, but both Red Bull and Highland Spring have been very obliging and got back to us within a day of contacting them. Hopefully Diet Coke and Stella won’t be far behind!